
What Happens If You Eat Silica Gel?

What Happens If You Eat Silica Gel?

Silica gel serves as a desiccant, or a moisture-absorbing agent, which manufacturers frequently place in small packets to prevent moisture damage to specific food and commercial products. You may have encountered silica packets in various items, such as beef jerky and recently purchased shoes.


While silica gel is generally not harmful when ingested, there have been instances of individuals choking on it. Due to this risk, manufacturers explicitly mark these packets as "Not for consumption." In the event of someone choking on silica gel, it is essential to dial 911 and seek immediate medical attention.


What occurs if you consume it?

Regrettably, children may confuse these packets with food, candy, or a chew toy and consume either the silica gel or the entire packet. In some cases, adults may mistakenly identify silica gel packets as salt or sugar packets.


Silica gel is chemically stable. This means it will not decompose in the body, leading to poisoning. Nevertheless, its non-decomposable nature can result in choking when ingested, which is why manufacturers commonly label them with "Do not ingest" or "Dispose after use."


Consuming silica gel is unlikely to induce illness. Most often, it will pass through your system and exit without causing any harm.


While silica gel is not particularly hazardous, this should not be misconstrued as permission to consume it in large quantities. The gel lacks nutritional value and can potentially lead to intestinal blockage if ingested in excessive amounts.

What occurs if you consume it?

Regrettably, children may confuse these packets with food, candy, or a chew toy and consume either the silica gel or the entire packet. In some cases, adults may mistakenly identify silica gel packets as salt or sugar packets.


Silica gel is chemically stable. This means it will not decompose in the body, leading to poisoning. Nevertheless, its non-decomposable nature can result in choking when ingested, which is why manufacturers commonly label them with "Do not ingest" or "Dispose after use."


Consuming silica gel is unlikely to induce illness. Most often, it will pass through your system and exit without causing any harm.


While silica gel is not particularly hazardous, this should not be misconstrued as permission to consume it in large quantities. The gel lacks nutritional value and can potentially lead to intestinal blockage if ingested in excessive amounts.What to Take Action If you or your child accidentally swallow silica gel, attempt to facilitate its passage into the stomach by consuming water.


In exceptional cases, manufacturers utilize silica gel coated with cobalt chloride, a noxious substance. In the event of cobalt chloride-coated silica gel ingestion, it is probable to induce feelings of queasiness and emesis. In the future, you can educate your child on the inedibility of these packets and encourage them to bring any encountered packets to you for proper disposal.


When to Consult a Physician?

If your child has ingested a silica gel packet and experiences recurrent vomiting or an inability to retain any food or liquid, it is imperative to immediately seek emergency medical care.


Likewise, if your child exhibits intense abdominal pain or struggles to expel gas or have a bowel movement, these signs may signal the presence of an intestinal blockage due to the silica gel packet, necessitating immediate medical attention.


For pet owners, if your animal has consumed a silica gel packet and demonstrates atypical stool passage, continuous vomiting after eating, or presents with an enlarged abdomen, it is recommended to promptly consult a veterinarian.



Contact: Bonny Zhu

Phone: +8613854893387


Add: Wanda plaza, Taian City, Shandong Province,China